Hi, I’m David, a coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better.
I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.
who i am
Through ‘Redesign Your Life Step by Step’, I share practical strategies, personal stories, insights and tips that help people understand themselves and redesign their life one step at a time.
The people I connect with say:
My background is in health and social care for nearly 30 years and my passion is to work with those who are committed to making their lives better, but struggle to take action. My vision is to create a world where everyone is living a life of their choice.
wondering where to start?
if we can not imagine a future beyond what we can see, we can limit our potential for growth. Many of us do not dream big enough, so do not be afraid to dream big and then reverse engineer the process. Others have achieve great things, learn and model how they did it.
Nothing happens in life without action. I can tell you no action and no commitment will achieve zero results. Take small actions each day and they will have a cumulative impact on your life. New daily habits will form and every step will take you to new places of learning and growth.
What hold many back from growth is fear and self limiting beliefs. Once you face these challenges you enter into the learning zone, where you can experience new things, which helps you to continually grow as a person and explore yourself at a deeper level. I believe greater self awareness is the way we all grow as individuals.
more about me
I’m a writer and coach with an extensive background in health and social care. I have a passion for working with those who are committed to making their lives better and willing to take action. My vision is to create a world where everyone is living a life they love.
All of this has inspired me to become a life design coach. Life Design is a problem-solving methodology that I use to navigate change and transition at any stage of life using creative, iterative, human-centred approaches.
By being the listening ear people need, I can assist you in working on and achieving your goals, purpose and values. For my business my mission is to: (1) To determine someone's purpose, mission, vision and values (2) To support them clarity of what they want their life to look like (3) To help them bring that life into being.
For decades I struggled with my sexuality and lived a closeted, unfulfilled life [that I didn’t love]. Overcoming this struggle has given purpose to my life and a desire to create a world where everyone is living a life they love.
I have helped [others] throughout my life, both in business and personally. The majority of my career was working for others, so at the age of 50 I stopped working. This enabled me to travel the world, but I felt something was missing. I realised that I had all these experiences, skills and knowledge, and they were going to waste so I decided to set up my new business to share what I have learned in my life.
This gave me back a sense of purpose in my life as travelling the world is great, but there comes a time when it’s time to give back. I have been so grateful for all that has happened in my life and I believe this is my time to support others live their best life as well. I see dar too many people who are not doing this, but it is possible to make changes to your life if you choose it.
I will create your own person-centred programme that specifically designed for you, because I believe everyone is different. By listening, asking powerful questions, creating a safe space, being honest and transparent, I believe will help others gain a fresh perspective on their life and enable them to see beyond what they are struggling with right now.
I will do this by being in integrity with my purpose: To lovingly help others learn to achieve their higher self, so that they are able to create from within, a future beyond what they can see.
I will help you get to your end goal. I care and I will do whatever it takes for you to reach the outcome you envisioned. I have a successful career and multiple businesses, as well as experience in health and social care and management. I’m a teacher, a coach, a consultant, a mentor and an equal - my passion for people and the experiences I have already mentioned have led me to a deeper understanding and empathy of the struggles faced by others.
Each and every step of the process is completely tailored to you and what you’re ready for.
Book a free one to one exploratory call with me. You can do so at the top of this page in the menu of the website, by pressing the button “Let’s Talk”. I look forward to hearing from you.
Do you have questions or just want to have a chat? Send me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible