EP.2 / Finding the morning schedule that will make you thrive
David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 2 min read | 27th February 2023
It seems obvious that when something is started correctly, it leads to positive outcomes.
So why do so many people ignore the importance of starting well? And more importantly, starting their day on a positive foundation?
I believe that if we get our morning schedule sorted and focus on getting our key priorities dealt with early on, that leads to a sense of accomplishment. With the hardest thing on our to-do list having been dealt with, we can enjoy the rest of the day.
I find exercising one of the hardest things to get done and avoid it wherever possible.
It is not that I don’t believe exercise is good for you (evidence shows us that it can improve our overall health and mental well-being if we exercise daily), it simply comes down to the fact that I don’t highly prioritise it in my day and as the day rolls on, it becomes harder to motivate myself. By the time evening comes around, I know that going out for a late walk could help me relax and be good for my health, but once again, I lack the motivation to get up out of the chair and step outside the front door.
I lack the motivation even though I know that going out for a walk makes feel really good and puts me into a positive mindset. Sometimes I’ll listen to a podcast or audio book, or sometimes I’ll be mindful of what is around me – including sounds, smell and sights, all of which help clear my head.
So, with all this in mind, I set myself a commitment to get up early every day and, without any distractions, I do the thing I least want to do – exercise. To make it easier for myself, I do two things every evening:
1. Get my walking shoes and clothes ready by putting them at the foot of my bed
2. Set my alarm and put it across the room, so that I have to get out of my bed in order to turn it off
I am a little slow and sleepy at first, but as I continue walking, I begin to wake up gradually and feel more energised. I usually walk past a small group of Vietnamese people who do Tai Chi every day, this morning was one of those days and it felt so peaceful and nurturing listening to the rhythmic flow of the music.
about the author. DAVID HARBORNE
A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.
Know more about me, click here
🔺Take home message/insight
Take a moment to ask yourself:
- What is one important thing that you avoid doing?
- What is it you want to do that never gets done?
How did it feel to deal with the most challenging tasks on your to-do list first?
Let me know what it is you are struggling with and ONE action you can take right now that will move you a little closer to this goal.
Share your reflections and scores with me at www.davidharborne.com
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