EP.48 / The Power of Vision


David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 3 min read | 24th of may

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about the author. DAVID HARBORNE


A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.

Know more about me, click here


Story of David Harborne Journey

The echo of a youthful me ricocheting through the sterile halls of the National Health Service is a memory etched in my mind. It was here that I first stumbled upon the concept of vision statements—those neatly crafted sentences that promise to paint the portrait of one's future self. At the time, they seemed nothing more than abstract ideas, untethered from the tangible world I lived in, and hence, I dismissed them.

But as the pages of the calendar turned, bringing with them the wisdom of age and the richness of experience, my perspective shifted. I began to comprehend the profound significance of carving out a vision for who I aspire to be. The lack of such a blueprint can cause our lives to drift into the abyss of aimlessness. In contrast, a lucid vision statement acts as a beacon, illuminating the path ahead and influencing our daily decisions and life choices.

The creation of this pivotal statement is by no means a menial task. It is an endeavor that calls for unwavering commitment and considerable investment of time. Like many, I grappled with the task for years, trying to give form to my aspirations. The notion of a vision statement was elusive, and my attempts to transcribe these thoughts into a coherent narrative were unfruitful. My ideas remained fragmented, confined to isolated aspects of my existence.

My trajectory has been moulded by adversity, which often spurred impulsive decisions. Absent these trials and devoid of a personal vision, I may have continued to exist within the National Health Service, idly counting down the days to retirement, with no strategic plan for the future.

These tribulations, however, served as a catalyst, unveiling the realm of potentialities. They propelled me beyond the barriers of conventional organizations. Today, I am not bound by four walls; the world is my office. One of my most cherished workplaces is nestled among the paddy fields of Vietnam—a setting that may not resonate with everyone, but underscores the plethora of opportunities awaiting us, should we choose to conceive and believe in them.

My odyssey has instilled in me a fervent desire to encourage others to formulate their vision statements, projecting not just for the imminent three years but for the expanse beyond. The crux of this exercise is to unearth who you truly yearn to become, unfettered by limitations.

Transcribe your personal vision onto paper. Once penned, it begins to take root in your consciousness. As Earl

Nightingale astutely observed, "You become what you think about." A multitude of individuals meander through life sans clarity, responding to events rather than charting their course with intention. Or, as I urge, living with heightened awareness, which can profoundly refine our perception of time.

A vision statement for the impending years bestows direction and imbues your life with purpose. It streamlines decision-making, ensuring that your choices are in harmony with the future you aspire to. By adopting a personal vision statement, you are empowered to set formidable objectives and concentrate on them, progressing incrementally, day after day, by 1%, with the conviction that these cumulative 1% improvements will coalesce into significant transformation.


In conclusion, I invite you to embark on this transformative journey. Let your vision statement be the compass that guides you through the uncharted territories of life. It's not merely about envisioning a dream—it's about crafting a reality, one thought, one action, one day at a time.

Remember, as you tread this path, you're not alone. For more insights and to download your free book on this transformative art, visit www.davidharborne.com



The Power of Vision

🔺Take home message/insight

Your Invitation to Explore

I invite you to listen to this episode not just as a passive audience but as an active participant in your life's redesign. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery, remember that it's never too late to start. It's never too late to redefine your path and embrace the future you.

For more insights and resources on life redesign, visit my website at www.davidharborne.com. Join me in this journey of personal growth and transformation.

Your Next Step: Embrace the Change.

If David's vision resonates with you and you're feeling the tug to take charge of your destiny, don't hesitate. Whether you're looking for one-on-one coaching sessions or just want to delve deeper into the world of life redesign, you can explore more at David's website.

I hope you found this blog enlightening. Your journey towards a fulfilled life is just a click away. Don’t let life happen to you; take control and redesign it the way you want it to be.


David Harborne


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EP.47 / Blueprint for Crafting Your Future Self