EP.4 / What is meant by a “Value”? The definition of values
David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 2 min read | 27th March 2023
A value is a belief, principle, or moral standard that a person or group considers important or desirable.
Values can be shaped by a variety of factors, including cultural and religious traditions, personal experiences, and social norms.
Values guide our attitudes, behaviours, and decision-making, and they provide a framework for understanding and interpreting the world around us. For example, someone who values honesty and integrity may be more likely to tell the truth, even in difficult situations, and may have a greater appreciation for people who share those same values.
Values are often deeply ingrained and can be difficult to change.
However, they can also be influenced by experiences, education, and exposure to different perspectives. Some values, such as respect for others and fairness, are widely recognized and valued across cultures and societies, while others may be more specific to certain groups or individuals.
Overall, values play an important role in shaping our identities and the ways we interact with the world around us.
Our core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our behaviour and decision-making.
They are deeply held, and they provide a sense of purpose and direction in our lives. While core values can vary from person to person, some examples of common core values include:
Integrity: A commitment to honesty, ethics, and doing the right thing, even when it's difficult.
Respect: Treating others with dignity and consideration, and valuing diversity and inclusivity.
Responsibility: Taking ownership of our actions and decisions, and being accountable for our behaviour.
Compassion: Being empathetic, caring, and kind toward others, and striving to help those in need.
Perseverance: Staying committed and resilient in the face of challenges, and working hard to achieve our goals.
Courage: Facing fears and challenges with bravery, and standing up for what we believe in, even when it's difficult.
Authenticity: Being true to ourselves and our values, and living our lives with honesty and transparency.
Gratitude: Appreciating the people and opportunities in our lives, and cultivating a sense of thankfulness and appreciation.
These are just a few examples of core values that many people hold dear. However, it's important to remember that core values can vary from person to person, and that they may change or evolve over time based on our experiences and personal growth.
about the author. DAVID HARBORNE
A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.
Know more about me, click here
🔺Take home message/insight
So what are your core values? Is this something you have every stopped to think about? And if you have, have you checked in with them lately? Are they still true to the current version of yourself?
There are many ways to discover your core values. You can simply sit down with a piece of paper and begin to ask yourself, what is important to me? What dictates my decision making? There are also many free online tests you can take to find your core values, here is one I personally recommend https://personalvalu.es
I would love to know your results, you can share them with me at www.davidharborne.com
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