EP.20 / Elevate Your Self-Esteem: The Cornerstone of Life Redesign


David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 3 min read | 20th October 2023

To delve deeper into this topic, be sure to check out my YouTube video, where I discuss the subject further.


Imagine walking into a room and feeling like you belong, not merely exist

Imagine interacting with people without that nagging self-doubt or comparing yourself to others. It sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?

The key to this ideal state is robust self-esteem—a quality often elusive but entirely achievable. In this blog, you’ll explore essential tips to boost your self-esteem, a foundational step towards redesigning your life. The advantage of staying with me till the end? A transformative understanding of how high self-esteem can open doors you never thought possible.

Recognise the Importance of Self-Esteem

1: Why Self-Esteem Matters

Importance of Self-Esteem

We often underestimate the power of self-esteem. It’s not just about feeling good about yourself; it influences how you approach challenges, relationships, and decision-making. Those with high self-esteem tend to live happier, more fulfilling lives. In a 2019 study from the University of Waterloo, participants with high self-esteem reported better mental well-being and less stress.

Think about two people trying to get through a maze. One is confident, believing they’ll find a way out. The other doubts every turn they take. Who do you think will emerge faster and happier?

Practical Steps to Boost Your Self-Esteem

2: Start with Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Chart

Knowing yourself is the first step towards boosting self-esteem. Keep a journal, undergo self-assessments or even consult a life coach. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses without judgment. As the ancient Greek aphorism goes, “Know thyself.” And in this digital age, there are more ways than ever to embark on this introspective journey.



Elevate Your Self-Esteem: The Cornerstone of Life Redesign


references & related content

1.        University of Waterloo. “The Importance of Self-Esteem in Mental Health.” (2019).

2.        Johns Hopkins University. “Mindfulness in Medicine.” (2018).

3.        NHS. “The Benefits of Exercise.” NHS Website.

about the author. DAVID HARBORNE


A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.

Know more about me, click here

Reinforce with Daily Practices

3: Affirmations and Mindfulness

Affirmations and Mindfulness

Repeat positive affirmations daily. Also, incorporate mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation. Research from Johns Hopkins University indicates that mindfulness can improve psychological well-being, contributing to higher self-esteem.

Moving on, let’s dive into some commonly ignored, yet crucial, aspects of self-esteem.

The Link Between Physical Health and Self-Esteem

4: Exercise and Diet

A balanced diet and regular exercise don’t just keep you physically healthy; they contribute to mental health as well. Physical activity releases endorphins, known as the “feel-good” hormones. According to the NHS, even a short 10-minute brisk walk can improve mental alertness and mood.

🔺Take home message/insight

So what’s the takeaway from all this?

High self-esteem isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for a fulfilling life. From recognising its importance to taking practical steps for improvement and understanding its interconnection with physical health, boosting your self-esteem is more than attainable—it’s imperative. So, why not make the change today?

Your Next Step: Embrace the Change.

If David's vision resonates with you and you're feeling the tug to take charge of your destiny, don't hesitate. Whether you're looking for one-on-one coaching sessions or just want to delve deeper into the world of life redesign, you can explore more at David's website.

I hope you found this blog enlightening. Your journey towards a fulfilled life is just a click away. Don’t let life happen to you; take control and redesign it the way you want it to be.


David Harborne


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Can I improve my self-esteem overnight?

Boosting self-esteem is a process that takes time, effort, and sometimes professional help.

Is high self-esteem linked to arrogance?

High self-esteem is not the same as arrogance. Arrogance often masks low self-esteem, while high self-esteem denotes a realistic respect for oneself.


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