EP.10 / You Don’t Need to Know the “How”: taking the first step


David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 2 min read | 18th september 2023

You can also take in this content in video form on David’s YouTube channel. Watch this blogs video: Taking the First Step | Unlock Transformational Change


Are you PARALYSED by the overwhelming “how” of achieving your goals?

Do you find yourself hesitating to make a move because you can’t visualize the whole path? You’re not alone; many of us grapple with the intimidating unknowns of life’s big endeavors.

In today’s blog, we’ll dive into the liberating philosophy that you don’t need to know the “how” of everything right away. By discussing my personal experience of learning to ride a motorbike in Vietnam, I’ll show you that sometimes, all you need is to take the first few steps for the next step to reveal itself. Stick around, and you might find the courage to take those initial steps toward achieving your dreams.

Why the “How” Often Holds Us Back

I didn’t know how I was going to navigate Vietnamese streets on two wheels, but I knew I had to start somewhere. So, without overthinking, I enrolled in a Motorbike Driving School back in the UK. The course started simple and got progressively more challenging. And each day, as I acquired new skills, the next steps became clearer. I didn’t know how I would master a 650cc Yamaha, but when I got to that step, I found resources, guidance, and the courage to go on, proving that the “how” often sorts itself out.

How Initial Steps Make the Next One Clearer

In life, and especially when tackling new skills or daunting tasks, you’ll find that momentum is your greatest ally. For me, each small victory on my motorbike in the UK gave me the confidence to eventually ride on Vietnam’s busy roads. Before I knew it, the daunting “how” had resolved itself into a series of manageable steps, each one presenting itself when I was ready for it.



You Don’t Need to Know the “How”: taking the first step


about the author. DAVID HARBORNE


A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.

Know more about me, click here

references & related content

•          “The Paralysis of Analysis: Why Overthinking is Harmful,” Psychological Science Journal

•          “The Momentum Effect: How Small Steps Create Big Wins,” Business Insider

🔺Take home message/insight

So what’s the takeaway from all this?

The essence of today’s blog is simple yet profound: You don’t need to have all the answers to start your journey. Whether it’s a career move, a lifestyle change, or a personal endeavor, the idea is not to get bogged down by the “how.” If you take the first few steps, you’ll often find that the path ahead becomes clearer as you move forward. This was certainly true for me in my motorbike adventure, and it can be true for you in whatever you’re hesitating to start.

Your Next Step: Embrace the Change.

Inspired to take those first steps without fretting over the “how”? Share your thoughts and plans in the comments below and let’s start the journey together. For more tips and stories, visit davidharborne.com. I’ll be there to support you every step of the way.

If David's vision resonates with you and you're feeling the tug to take charge of your destiny, don't hesitate. Whether you're looking for one-on-one coaching sessions or just want to delve deeper into the world of life redesign, you can explore more at David's website.


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Do I really not need to know the ‘how’ of everything?

While it’s important to have a basic plan, you don’t need to know every detail. Often, the path reveals itself as you go along.

How do I overcome my fear of the unknown?

Start small. The first steps are often the hardest, but they also bring clarity and build confidence for the steps that follow.


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