EP.28 / Why Short-Term Goals Triumph Over Long term goals (i.e. Distant Dreams)
David Harborne | Redesign you Life | 4 min read | 13th NOVEMBER 2023
To delve deeper into this topic, be sure to check out my YouTube video, where I discuss the subject further.
Imagine setting a lofty goal: completing a marathon. It’s a year away, giving you ‘plenty of time’ to prepare, right?
Fast forward to nine months later and you realise you haven’t even put on your running shoes. Sounds familiar? This is the pitfall of setting goals too far in advance. They often become the ‘someday’ that never arrives.
In this blog, we’ll explore why short-term goals are not only more attainable but are also more sustainable and motivating. By the end, you’ll understand the psychology of goal-setting and have actionable advice on setting goals that keep you on your toes, quite literally.
The Trap of Long-Term Goals
1: Lack of Urgency
Setting a goal with a distant deadline might feel like a positive step, but it usually lacks the sense of urgency that makes you act. You’re likely to procrastinate, thinking there’s always ‘tomorrow.’
Remember your New Year’s resolutions? How many of them have you accomplished, especially those set for a year-long period? The issue is simple: the lack of a looming deadline doesn’t push you to start today.
2: Waning Motivation
As time passes, your enthusiasm for that distant goal will likely wane. Life gets in the way, other priorities arise, and before you know it, that goal is gathering dust on your mental shelf.
Think about gym memberships skyrocketing in January and dwindling by March. It’s a classic example of how motivation can decay over time when the end goal is not immediate.
3: Shifting Circumstances
Long-term goals don’t account for the unpredictable nature of life. Your circumstances can change dramatically, making your original goals irrelevant or unattainable.
To bridge the gap between your present and your future, short-term goals serve as stepping stones, adaptable to changing conditions.
Now that we’ve understood the limitations of setting long-term goals, let’s delve into the magic of short-term goals.
references & related content
1. Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New directions in goal-setting theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265-268.
2. Data on gym memberships: Statista Research Department (2021).
about the author. DAVID HARBORNE
A coach and author who asks powerful questions to understand how we can redesign our lives for the better. I believe there’s no single solution for becoming more fulfilled and living a life of purpose; when we know ourselves better and what works for us, we can make better decisions and live a life we choose.
Know more about me, click here
The Power of Short-Term Goals
1: Immediate Action
Short-term goals force you into immediate action. Whether it’s losing 5 pounds this month or reading a book this week, the nearness of the deadline sparks urgency.
2: Quick Wins Build Momentum
Each achieved short-term goal serves as a mini-victory, fuelling your motivation to keep going. These ‘quick wins’ build a momentum that can carry you towards your long-term aspirations.
3: Flexibility to Adapt
Short-term goals allow for course correction. If you stumble, it’s easier to get back on track or even to set new, more relevant goals.
🔺Take home message/insight
So what’s the takeaway from all this?
It’s not that long-term goals are inherently bad; they provide direction. However, without short-term goals to pave the way, reaching that distant destination becomes a journey fraught with procrastination, waning motivation, and lost opportunities. So the next time you set a goal, break it down into manageable, short-term milestones. Your future self will thank you.
Your Next Step: Embrace the Change.
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I hope you found this blog enlightening. Your journey towards a fulfilled life is just a click away. Don’t let life happen to you; take control and redesign it the way you want it to be.
David Harborne
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Why do I lose motivation for long-term goals?
Losing motivation is often due to a lack of immediate results or feedback. Short-term goals provide both, keeping you engaged and motivated.
How can I break down a long-term goal into short-term goals?
Start by setting smaller, achievable milestones that lead up to your long-term goal. Make sure they are specific, measurable, and time-bound.
Can I have both short-term and long-term goals?
Absolutely! The ideal scenario is to have long-term goals broken down into short-term milestones. This gives you a roadmap to success, with ample room to adapt and evolve.